Hollow Earth and Antarctica

We tend to be a fairly broad church when it comes to the beliefs of others, but there are a few things, such as Anti-Vaxers and flat-earthers where it really is hard to defend them.

I won’t get into the whole anti-vaccination clan, I feel that it needs no explanation during the current pandemic. In fairness to flat earth folk, I will give them that at least they are harmless. Well at least to others, there was the guy that blew himself up in his own rocket.

And that gets us on to those people who believe in a hollow earth.

What do you mean hollow earth?

The hollow earth theory is that underground the earth is either completely hollow, or has an extremely large amount of empty space in it, Mostly that is where it stops, although some also believe there are reptilians, aliens and/or blind humans living down there.

Yes, these people make flat earth folk seem smart.

Where did the hollow earth theory originate from?

Hollow earth

The concept of a hollow Earth is a recurring theme of folklore. In the 1800’s it was part of now debunked pseudo-science and has been a popular subterranean genre of fiction.

As the internet has proved though, fiction does not mean that people won’t believe it. Some have said that the modern fixation with a hollow earth was started as an experiment to see if people actually believed it. Well it turns out that they did. Not as popular as flat earth, but still enough followers. I would love to see them debate each other!

Contrary evidence to the hollow earth theory

Literally everything. One could just write “science” here, everything from common sense to how gravity works. But. never let science get in the way of a good conspiracy theory eh.

You mentioned Antarctica

I did! I had a friend who worked at McMurdo station in Antarctica. He took a picture “underground” of a door, said door was part of science room. He posted it online from where the masses decreed it proof of a “cover up” on a hollow earth.

You see they surmised that the door led to the hollow bit. It didn’t, but it got my mate lots of followers.

And that is the abysmal story of Hollow Earth.

The closest thing to an Antarctica/Hollow Earth Expedition would be an Antarctica tour with Young Pioneer Tours! Check out our itinerary here.

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